(A Garland of Songs)

Chapter Four
Śrī Śrī Rūpānuga-bhajana-darpaṇa – Song One
(A Mirror Reflecting the Worship Which Follows Śrīla Rūpa Goswāmī)

śrī-guru śrī-gauracandra vṛndābane juba-dwandwa

vandiyā praphulla mane e bhaktivinoda bhaṇe

 Glorifying the lotus feet of Śrī Guru, Śrī Gauracandra, the Youthful Couple of Vṛndāvana as well as of all the residents of Vraja, with a cheerful mind this Bhaktivinoda will now narrate the description of the mirror which reflects the worship of those who strictly follow in the footsteps of Śrīla Rūpa Goswāmī.

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